Monday 4 March 2013

Write a program in C++ using a nested for loop to print the contents of a double dimensional array in matrix format.

/*Program to print the contents of a double dimensional array in matrix format.*/
void main()
          int a[10][10]; /*two dimensional array for matrix representation*/
          int i,j;
          int row,col;
          cout<<”Enter row and column of a matrix (up to 10): “;
cout<<”Enter the elements for the”<<row<< “X”<<col<<” matrix : ” <<endl;
/*store elements in two dimensional array*/

for(i=0; i<=row; i++)/*first for loop for row*/
          for(j=0; j<=col; j++)/*first for loop for col*/
          /*print matrix a using nested for loops*/
          cout<<”The matrix is :”<<endl;
for(i=0; i<=row; i++)/*first for loop for row*/
          for(j=0; j<=col; j++)/*first for loop for col*/
                   cout<<a[i][j]<<” “;
}/*End of main() function*/